Sunday, December 5, 2010

Fun Things to Do in Calgary
     Over one million people live in the city of Calgary, and therefore,  there are many things to do, and many places to shop. There are big festivals in Calgary. The best time to visit Calgary is in the summer time. When you visit Calgary, you should go to the Calgary Stampede. You will have a wonderful time shopping, and have fun at the Calgary Stampede.
     First of all, I went to the Stampede with my friends, and we saw the ceremony. That was so fun because we were dancing a lot. That was the first time I saw a horse race, and I cannot explain how fun it was. However, you can imagine ten horses running, trying to win the race, and no one could guess who would win! We saw some stuff made by native people, and looked at them for a long time. They live an easy life. They ride horses to go from one place to another. It was very interesting.
     Secondly, there are so many places to shop. One day, we hung out with my friends at Market Mall to go shopping. It is one of the most popular malls in Calgary because it has mixed stores; everything from clothing to electronics. We saw the new iPhone, and it is very different from the old one. The new one is bigger, can do more than the old iPhone. We were very excited. Malls are everywhere in Calgary, and it is okay if you do not know where one is. It can be useful to get directions or help. Malls have other stores like furniture stores. It is unbelievable to have both clothing, electronics, and furniture stores in one mall. Other malls like Chinook Centre have more stores, and are more fun. I went to that place before to watch a  movie. I saw a comedy movie that was really funny.
     In sum, every year Calgary has more things to do than the last, and the most fun are the Stampede and Shopping. The Stampede and shopping make everyone look forward to the next time they get to watch the Stampede and the same goes for shopping. That makes Calgary an exciting place to be all year.          

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

How to do business in Saudi Arabia

Multinational companies that do business in KSA, shouldn’t ignore the importance of diversity in the KSA culture. The KSA is a multiethnic society with people from almost every race, with different customs, manners, and culture. For example, we had invited old friends from the north of KSA. One of their customs is to drink a special coffee with dates, but not alcoholic. The people of KSA respect their religion, so they do not drink alcohol. They never cross the boundaries. For another example, someone from another religion came to visit one of the most interesting mosques in the world. It is called Mecca. No one can go inside, or visit it except Muslims. The most important thing to know, to do business in KSA is work ethic. For example, we had a product from a different country, but the product was illegal and not high quality. In sum, doing business with other cultures requires a knowledge of important things to avoid costly mistakes

                                 How to Be Ready For a Final Exam
You should review everything chapter by chapter, and you want a high mark. First, you should follow every page because then your brain will be ready for any test. For example, you say oh yeah that is okay I can cope with it, and I can study the entire book before the test. How come?! Imagine how many pages you have read or checked. It will be very hard on your head. But from now you have two more weeks. You should organize your time and materials. That may help you finish the book easier. Second, do not be absent for the last week because very important things will be reviewed by the professor. For example, the professor will tell you what you should focus on and if he reviews anything you should circle it, and put some notes for reminders. Now this is the time for all the questions. For example, when you study there may be some hard questions or vocabulary. Trust me the professor will enjoy answering your question. By the way try to make list of questions for the next day, and get together with group of people for study together that will help more. For example, if you read any words but you cannot pronounce them, one of the group will fix your mistake, or misunderstanding like you translate a new word, but there are many words in your language, so what can you do. If you have group it is easy to ask, or if you know some native English. In brief, I hope to be in level 2 next semesters, and the same for all of my classmates!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

!My last summry!

New York
 Level 3 Penguin Reader
By Andy Hopkins and Jocelyn Potter

The most interesting thing in this book is how they built the biggest bridge in the world. When the New York government decided to build a bridge over the East River, John A. Roebling’s plan was the best.  Around 600 men worked on the bridge. Unfortunately, John did not see the completed bridge. He hurt his foot badly and he died three weeks later. His son took the job after he died. Not just John died; around 27 bridge workers died. Washington became sick with the same illness. He did not die, and finally they finished the biggest bridge around the world. It is over 1 mile (1.8 kilometers) long!

 I really like it because I came to know a new city, and I learned about a different culture, American. Now I have some knowledge about American history, such as the Brooklyn Bridge. Many people die from working on hard jobs. I like Washington when he follows his father job. Also I dislike when I hear people die before they finish their job, like John when he died before seeing the job done. I hope to drive some day on the largest bridge in the world. In fact, it helps to know a good place if I want to go to the US, and gives me some very good ideas about a safe route. In brief, New York is one of the most beautiful cities around the world, and if you want to see a good city, you should visit New York!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

My best friend

     My best friend his name is Bander, he is old friend of mine. I wrote this because i have not heard his voice since I came to Canada. I remained when he invited me to diner last day in Saudi Arabia. Before when I companied with him to the restaurant, and then he went some complex I did not why! After that get off from the car. At this time we were in some store for buy cell phone. He said Abdul what do you think about this cell phone i want a new phone. Then I told him what is the good and bad, he decided to buy the cell phone which i chose. He was smart because when we went to the restaurant, he gave it to me. I was surprised when he said i really have one but actually it is for you. That restaurant was great we had a nice time! He was with my all that day and some friends. In conclusion, I wish he comes to Calgary for visit me i really miss him much; he is my best friend forever!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

                                             How Te Be Student At University
     The universities are ables to the good students. If your not smart enough.That is be hard for us. You  should imporove yourself. For example, if you go to the university to abbly  for adoission, and you don't finish the high school yet. That impossible noway your not available, or not ready to study at it. Sometimes some people do the cheating for thier certificats, but when they ready in class absolutely  cannot understand anything they heard. Why!! They do not have the high school. What can the university do with that they cannot be receives anyone without high school that mean you should have high school before go to university. If you are done everything meddil, and high school with high degreeyou welcome to any university. After that you will be able to study at huge university. University different between high school. For example, more homework with difficult words, and more academics. Yes it is university. If you can not go there there is another way to keep going. College it is the second education, but not like university such as doctors, edcations, areas, buildings, campes, and bigger then college. All in all, universities able to anyone who have a great mark in high school.

Saturday, November 6, 2010


                                                             Watching Soccer

I am real excited about the soccer game specially between Barcelona and Real madrid. Barcelona is spanish team and Real Mdrid too. Real Madrid has more history batter then Barcelona. Six years ago Real was the strange team no one can stopped this team. I really like Barcelona. I saw Barcelona played in Champion League I just when I got home. I thought about the game because I had class when the game started. I cannot see it but I downlond it. By the way my favorite player is Messi. Have you ever seen him when he plays. I think you cannot stop watching him for end of the game. Barcelona now in this time has the huge player around the world. It is made me check the news everyday to see what is going on! Next, I wish to go to Spain. I want to see the stadium of Barcelona, and play soccer in it. I will be the happier person in the world. Sometimes I wish I am the best player in Barcelona. Barcelona is the huge team in this time!!