Wednesday, December 1, 2010

How to do business in Saudi Arabia

Multinational companies that do business in KSA, shouldn’t ignore the importance of diversity in the KSA culture. The KSA is a multiethnic society with people from almost every race, with different customs, manners, and culture. For example, we had invited old friends from the north of KSA. One of their customs is to drink a special coffee with dates, but not alcoholic. The people of KSA respect their religion, so they do not drink alcohol. They never cross the boundaries. For another example, someone from another religion came to visit one of the most interesting mosques in the world. It is called Mecca. No one can go inside, or visit it except Muslims. The most important thing to know, to do business in KSA is work ethic. For example, we had a product from a different country, but the product was illegal and not high quality. In sum, doing business with other cultures requires a knowledge of important things to avoid costly mistakes

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